How-To: Staying Organized and Enjoying the Holiday Season!

Hey, hey, friend! So, let's tackle the holiday season together while staying super organized – you got this!

First off, let's get our holiday game plan in place, shall we?

Step 1:

Let's start by creating our holiday calendar and those oh-so-important to-do lists. Get those dates penned down for all your festive events and holiday parties. Keep this holiday calendar easy to find for all members of your family.

Step 2:

Make your Santa Clause list! make lists for everyone you need to purchase gifts for this season. Make sure you don't forget people close to your family - personal assistant, nanny, household manager, kids teachers or caregivers, family, close friends, and even neighbors!

Step 3:

Time to declutter and prep your home! Clear out the unnecessary stuff to make space for all those beautiful decorations and incoming gifts. Trust me, it'll make things so much easier. Our top suggested areas to focus on include:

  • Kitchen - have space to enjoy the cooking and baking that comes with the holidays.

  • Pantry - check dates for expiration and toss anything that is expired or stale.

  • Playroom / Toys - with Santa planning a trip to your home, now is the perfect time to remove and donate or discard any toys that are outgrown, no longer age-appropriate, broken, or missing pieces!

  • Linen Closet - with guests in for the holidays, make sure your towels and sheets are clean and complete! (You know, nobody wants to accidentally stick their toe in a hole of the duvet while trying to sleep!)

  • Gift Wrap - before you go buy new gift wrap supplies, double check your stash! This could also help you save money to instead spend on additional gifts or even some self-care!

Step 4:

Meal planning is your secret weapon! Map out your menus, jot down the ingredients, and consider any dietary needs. Prep some dishes that can be prepped in advance or frozen and used later to save your sanity.

Step 5:

Organize your decorations – seriously, labeled bins are your BFFs here! Sort them by type to easily find what you need when it's time to deck those halls. Consider upgrading from your standard cardboard boxes to provide additional protection for your holiday decorations. Need some storage solutions? No worries friend, we have you covered!

Step 6:

Sharing is caring! Don't hesitate to ask for help. Delegate tasks and manage your time wisely. Break down tasks into bite-sized pieces, and don't forget to breathe!

Step 7:

Stick to your routine as much as you can. It's essential to take care of yourself amidst all the holiday buzz. Self-care, sweet friend, self-care!

Step 8:

Last but not least, embrace the holiday spirit! Take a moment to reflect on what truly matters and soak up those precious moments with your loved ones. Cherish this time.

You're incredible, and you've totally got this holiday organization thing down. Remember, flexibility is key, and don't forget to enjoy the magic of the season!

Don't forget to grab your complimentary in-home consult if you are ready to get your home organized for the holidays!

Schedule your consult here!


Organize your kitchen before Christmas!


Ep. 006: Organizing with a side of spice!